Understanding White Collar Crimes & Investigations

Feature Article

White-collar crimes might seem less harmful and nonviolent when compared to street crimes, however, they are not as innocent as they appear to be. Perpetrators of white-collar crimes may not physically injure anyone, but their actions have financial implications and can affect countless individuals and businesses.

What is White Collar Crime?

A white-collar crime is a nonviolent crime that is committed by individuals in a professional or business environment for financial gain. White-collar crimes can take many forms, including securities fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and insider trading. White-collar crimes are typically committed by business executives, bankers, lawyers, and politicians who have access to sensitive information and can take advantage of their positions of power.

Signs You're the Target of an Investigation

Individuals who are being investigated for white-collar crimes may not be aware at first that they are under suspicion. However, there are some signs that may indicate that you are the target of an investigation. These include receiving subpoenas for documents or testimony, having your bank accounts or assets frozen, or being contacted by law enforcement officials or regulatory agencies.

What Agencies Investigate White Collar Crimes?

White-collar crimes are investigated by various agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and state and local law enforcement agencies. These agencies have different areas of focus, but all are responsible for investigating and prosecuting individuals who commit white-collar crimes.

What Types of Evidence are Used to Prosecute White-Collar Crimes?

White-collar crimes are often complex and can be challenging to prosecute, requiring extensive documentation and evidence. Evidence used in the prosecution of white-collar crimes may include bank records, emails, wiretaps, and witness statements. Prosecutors may also use forensic accounting techniques and computer analysis to uncover hidden financial transactions or fraudulent activities.

Defenses Against White Collar Crimes

If you are being investigated or charged with a white-collar crime, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced defense attorney. A skilled attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options and develop a defense strategy that addresses the specific charges against you. Some common defenses against white-collar crimes include lack of intent, entrapment, and insufficient evidence.

Contact an Experienced Defense Attorney

If you have been accused of a white-collar crime, it is imperative to seek legal counsel immediately. An experienced defense attorney can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that your rights are protected. At Kolsrud Law Offices, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible defense against white-collar crime charges. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

For more information about White Collar Crimes and Investigations, visit White Collar Crimes & Investigations.